

QueerConnect Events are designed to help connect people in the LGBTQIA+ community within the St. Cloud area.

See our Events Calendar for specifics as event details and location may change.

Youth QueerConnect

QueerConnect Youth events are designed to help connect people in the LGBTQIA+ community. For these events, middle school and high school youth are invited to join us and other area youth. We have started meeting 6p-8p once a month. These are in partnership with QueerSpace Collective.

See our Events Calendar for specifics as event details and location may change.

Adult QueerConnect

QueerConnect Events are designed to help connect people in the LGBTQIA+ community within the St. Cloud area. These events are for to LGBTQ+ adults. The events vary in location, date/time.

See our Events Calendar for specifics.

how to show
your support

Want a new way to show support? You can do so in a variety of manners including volunteering, attending meetings, donating and considering sponsoring an event! There are helpful links throughout our website for these opportunities.

If you love what this organization has to offer and want to do your part, please consider donating or sponsoring via the following link.

show support